We look for FUORI combining our cultural anthropological and physical-transmedial background with artistic research.
We speak FOURI, as a platform of artists with common goals and multiple ways of expression. We support each other structurally and artistically.
We work FUORI and question cultural and social concepts, by involving people in participatory processes.
We act FUORI, connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds, stretching meeting points of social norms.
We bring FUORI to the cultural periphery, in theatrical and public spaces.
We are FUORI and engaged. We are political and politically incorrect. Wir mischen uns ein, bleiben nicht draußen! Ciao!
FUORI – wild, draußen, unlogisch
Essere fuori; parlare o agire in modo privo di logica.
FUORI – Verein für performative Kunst
ciao@fuori.at – Martinstrasse 9, 1170 Wien. ZVR: 1553325846
LUIGI GUERRIERI is a performance artist and anthropologist based in Vienna. His works focuses on the meeting point between movement, improvisation and storytelling, combining academic and artistic research. In his projects he often questions strong enfleshed cultural concepts such as hegemonic masculinity or literally applies common sayings like “son of a bitch”.
MIRA TRAXLER is completing her master’s degree in theater, film and media studies in Vienna. After writing and working on various film projects and doing interviews broadcasted for radio, she now takes part in co-organising theater and dance performances. Mira has been working for the theater festival Schäxpir since 2020 and most recently co-developed a comprehensive theater project. Combining her strength in organising with her creative mind makes working as a production manager at FUORI the perfect place to express herself.
CHRISTINA RAUCHBAUER arbeitet international als Choreografin, Performerin und Theaterpädagogin an transdisziplinären, partizipativen und aktivistischen Projekten. Sie macht Kunst FÜR und MIT jungem Publikum. Ihre künstlerischen Arbeiten beschäftigen sich mit der bewegten und spielerischen Abstraktion von sozialen Fragen und erschaffen kollektive Erlebnissräume für ein junges und generationsübergreifendes Publikum. Sie erforscht Formate der kulturellen Partizipation, wie in „Ole Ole Ole: Eine Ode an den Käfig“.